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Living With Hair Loss

What Does COVID-19 Have to Do With Hair Loss?

Heard that hair loss might be a symptom of COVID-19? Before you start worrying, get the facts about how coronavirus and hair loss are related.

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Before & After: 5 Real Guys Review Keeps

“Guess what? It worked. I went from having numerous bald spots to having a full head of hair again.”

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Everything You Need to Know for National Hair Loss Awareness Month

Everything you need to know (and then some) about National Hair Loss Awareness Month.

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Meet a Keeps Advisor: Dr. Antonella Tosti

One of the first thoughts you’ll have after reading about Dr. Anontella Tosti’s background is, “but when did she sleep?”

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Meet a Keeps Advisor: Dr. Jerry Shapiro

“Will I ever get my hair back?” is the most common question Dr. Jerry Shapiro hears from his patients.

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Fact or Fiction: Do Hair Loss Shampoos Work to Stop Hair Loss?

If you want to stop hair loss, you have to block DHT. And on your search for DHT blockers, you may’ve come across hair loss shampoo that can supposedly stop hair loss. We wanted to know, does they actually work?

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A Beginner's Guide to Beard Care

New to having a beard? We made a list of everything you need to know to make it look awesome.

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Every Question You Have About Dandruff (But Don't Want to Ask)

Here's everything you need to know about what causes dandruff, what the symptoms are (hello itchy scalp) and how to treat it effectively.

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5 Keeps Customers Talk Results After 3 Months

Wondering what to expect in your first few months of using Keeps? Five guys share when they started seeing results.

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6-Month Check-in: 5 Keeps Customers Tell Us How They're Doing

Hair loss doesn't stop overnight. As these guys will tell you, sometimes you have to wait a few months to find out what a difference Keeps treatment can make.

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5 Real Customers on What You Can Expect from Keeps Treatment

Five guys describe the results they got from Keeps. (Spoiler: They stopped losing their hair.)

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Here's the Right Way to Grow Your Beard

Thinking about shaking up your look with a new beard? Here's everything you need to know before you throw away your razor.

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How to Start Growing Your Hair Back After Chemotherapy

After chemotherapy, it's understandable to want your hair to grow back as quickly as possible. Here's how to give your hair the help it needs to come back strong and healthy.

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What the Finasteride Plus Recall Means for You

A limited number of finasteride plus bottles have been recalled by the FDA. Here's what you need to know about what's going on.

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What to Know Before You Buy a Hair Loss Concealer

Ever considered buying a product that covers up bald spots? Here's everything you ought to know about these powders, sprays, and fibers.

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How To Identify and Maintain Different Types of Men's Hair

You may think you know everything you need to about your hair type, but if you don't know what "3C" means, you might not.

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What to Know About Saw Palmetto and Your Hair's Health

Research suggests that saw palmetto really can boost hair health—but does it work as well as some guys claim? Here's what the evidence says.

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How Green Tea Helps Keep Your Hair Healthy

You've probably heard that green tea has health benefits, but did you know it's good for your hair? Here's what you should know about how green tea can help your hair.

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Does Biotin Really Help Your Hair Stay Healthy?

Wondering how much of biotin's reputation as a miracle hair health booster is actually deserved? We did the research to help you separate fact from fiction.

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Can Caffeine Jump Start Hair Health?

That cup of coffee you're holding could be doing more than just helping you stay awake. Here's the science behind the relationship between caffeine and hair health.

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What You Should Know About Thickening Conditioner

Your conditioner can really make an impact on how your hair looks. Here are the basics of what you need to know.

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What You Should Know About Thickening Shampoo

Wondering if thickening shampoo is worth your money? Here's what you should know before you reach for your wallet.

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Yes, Natural Shampoos and Conditioners Do Make a Difference

"Natural" means more than just eco-friendly packaging. Here's how natural shampoos and conditioners can make a difference in your hair.

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Meet a Keeps Advisor: Dr. Raman Madan

Get to know the hair loss expert who works with the New York Mets and the New York Yankees.

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How to Read the Label on a Shampoo Bottle (and Actually Understand It)

Can't wrap your head around terms like "sodium lauryl sulfate" and "paraben?" Here's what the words on shampoo labels actually mean.

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Here's the Real Deal With Scalp Tattoos

Scalp tattoos can be a safe and effective way to conceal hair loss, but they won't treat the root cause (pun definitely intended).

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6 Common Hair Issues You May Have in Addition to Balding

Whether it's rashes, bumps, or flakes, if uninvited guests have made their home on your scalp, we can help you figure out what to do about it.

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Haircut Tips for Men With Thinning Hair

Going to the barber can be intimidating when you're not confident about your hair. These pro tips will make sure your next cut leaves you feeling great.

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What’s the Relationship Between Testosterone and Hair Loss?

Ever hear that high testosterone causes guys to go bald? That's just a myth (sorry!), but the truth is a lot more interesting.

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